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Sunday Training Sessions
Sunday Session Structure

From September 2024 our training structure is changing.  At the start of the season each player will be allocated to a training group appropriate to their age and ability level.  Groups will be limited to 20-25 players and will have an allocated coach and assistant coach overseeing training for the duration of the season.  Each group will train on their own pitch each week to maintain consistency and will follow a bespoke programme commensurate with their ability.  Training will occur three weeks out of every four, with the fourth week set aside for the Onside League 'Match Day' (full details below). 

We are making this adjustment to give all of our players as much opportunity to develop as possible.  Having training sessions with mixed age groups and levels of ability carries the risk that some players dominate the game whilst others barely touch the ball.  Training with players  of a similar age and standard, on the other hand,  reduces this problem and creates a much more level playing field for everyone.  Tp participate in Sunday training all players MUST be pre-registered for the season ahead by filling in the appropriate form here.  In the event of becoming oversubscribed we will create a waiting list and you will be notified in due course if a space becomes available.  

We would ask that all players registering with us attend as many training sessions as possible.  Onside Soccer is extremely popular and we want as to ensure that everyone get a chance to participate, but we do have a limited capacity.  If you register to attend and then consistently miss training you are denying someone else a chance to take part so please think carefully before signing your child up.  Players consistently missing training will be removed from our programme and their place given to the next person on our waiting list.

The Onside League
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The Onside League is an internal competition played monthly from September to July each year.  In late August, prior to the season commencing, all of our players are allocated to an Onside team, either Sharks, Tigers, Dragons, Lions, Panthers or Eagles, each with a manager, assistant manager, playing kit and local sponsor.  Matches then commence in September and October.

We have two divisions (the junior division for school years 3 - 6 and senior division, for school years 6 - 9) and players are allocated as evenly as possible to ensure that the teams are all reasonably equal.  One Sunday per month the teams play against one another in 15 minute matches, with points awarded for wins, draws, clean sheets, goals scored and sporting behaviour.  At the end of the season the points are totted up and the winning team in each division presented with the Onside Cup.




All players are automatically registered with an Onside League team once they sign up for Sunday training.  Our Junior League has six teams and is open to players in school years 3 - 6.  Our senior league has four teams and is for players in school years 6 - 9.

Match Days are held once a month and we ask that all players make every effort to attend on those specific days.  However, players only turning up for Match Days will not be eligible to participate.

All children, as well as parents/guardians, attending Onside sessions are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct, particularly on Match Days.  These are in place to ensure that all training sessions are enjoyable for everyone.  When registering your child you will be asked to confirm you have read and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and Terms & Conditions which are attached below.

League Fixtures 24/25

Sunday 8th September - Kit distribution and Training Session

Sunday 15th September - Training Session

Sunday 22nd September - Training Session

Sunday 29th September - Junior Match Day 1

Sunday 6th October - Senior Match Day 1

Sunday 13th October - Training Session

Sunday 20th & 27th October - HALF TERM (No football)

Sunday 3rd November - Junior Match Day 2

Sunday 10th November - Senior Match Day 2

Sunday 17th November - Training Session

Sunday 24th November - Training Session

Sunday 1st December - Junior Match Day 3

Sunday 8th December - Senior Match Day 3

Sunday 15th December - Training Session

End of Term - Training recommences on Sunday 5th January


* Please note, all dates are provisional and subject to change.  To ensure that matches are taking place, please check the website regularly.

The Onside League prides itself on being a programme for local children, supported by the local community.  Each team is sponsored by a local company and the league is designed to introduce children to playing competitive football, but in a controlled and supportive environment.  All of our managers and players adhere to a strict code of conduct and our objective is always the best interests of each player and their development, both on and off the pitch.

Participation in the league is free of charge.  Onside Soccer and our sponsors want local children to be able to play football and believe that financial constraints shouldn't  preclude them from taking part. 




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Team Sponsors 24/25

To allow us to run the league this year we would like to say a huge thank you to our team sponsors for their support, which allowed us to buy portable goalposts, footballs and all of the other equipment required to function.  It is only through their commitment to the project and local sport, as well as that of our coaches who all volunteer their time, that we are able to run the league without charge. 

It is great businesses and volunteers like these who make our community what it is.  A huge thank you also to the individuals who decided to support the project as well.

 - Krome21

- FC Sutton HKers                     

-  KJC Architects                          

- Beeches Barbers

- Sir Stanley Matthews Foundation

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Onside Soccer, 57 Banstead Road, Carshalton

Registered Charity Number 1149686, Copyright Onside Soccer 2022

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